Saturday, December 19, 2009

Scrapbooking Made Simple

I had a young mother inquire sheepishly,
"Ms. Lettie, you know how to scrapbook?"
I so graciously replied, "Of course I do darling."
She fondly looked upon me as if I were
the brightest star in the sky,
making that night's first wish.

I didn't tell her that most all woman
my age know a bit about scrapbooking,
well, from necessity.
I come from a time period
before digital cameras and recorders.
All before computers with slideshows
and digital photo frames. I come from the past
to bring you the art of scrapbooking.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Simple Strawberry Pleasure

I'm reminded of lazy summers cozily resting on the back porch swing watching Nana can the strawberry preserves. Oh, how she encouraged me to assist her in the endeavor and learn the art of becoming a proper lady, but I was having no part it. Time and circumstance will change a person's perspective as it did mine. I reminiscence now with fondness on Nana and her preserves and in honor of that darling of a woman present you with her simple recipe.

Strawberry Preserves
Yield: Approximately 3 cups

1 1/2 - 2 Cups of Sugar
3 One Pint Containers of Strawberries (hulled)
1 - 2 tsp. lemon juice
Place hulled strawberries in heavy large saucepan and mash coarsely. Stirring frequently, cook strawberries over medium heat until beginning to thicken, around 6 minutes. Reduce the heat to low. Add sugar and the lemon juice, stirring until sugar dissolves. Increase heat to medium and boil gently until the mixture thickens and mounds on the spoon, continuing to stir frequently, about 25-30 minutes. Remove from heat. Cool in the refrigerator. .
Refrigerate in an airtight container and eat within one week.